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I was born in Erith, Kent on the 2nd July 1959 in a relatively poor district to relatively poor parents (to give you some idea my first birthday present was a box of JAFFA CAKES (and my brother Martin stole them and ate them too!).


Still, can't complain! Mum and Dad (Jean and David) did the best they could and they worked hard and looked after my brother and me well.


Unfortunately though, before I could really get to know my parents they both died (mum went in to a diabetic coma that she never woke up from - aged 58 and dad died of cancer 2 years later - aged 62).


After a rather unpromising career with the Co-Op funeral service I wandered from job to job until I finally discovered that I had an aptitude for computers which is what I've been doing (latterly as a maternity manager looking after the machine that goes 'ping' (hope there's a few Monty Python fans reading this!).


As for my books - an undertaker, a vigilante, a stand-up comedian, 9 operations, nearly died at least twice! I just HAD to write some of this down!

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